Former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala died on Friday. He breathed his last at around 12 noon in Gurugram Medanta. He had trouble breathing, and was undergoing treatment at Medanta for the last 3-4 years. On Friday, he was brought to the emergency ward of Medanta at 11:35 after his health suddenly deteriorated. The Medanta administration has confirmed his death.
Born in Village Chautala of Sirsa,
Om Prakash Chautala was born on 1 January 1935 in Village Chautala of Sirsa. Chautala was the CM of Haryana five times. Chautala became the Chief Minister for the first time on 2 December 1989. He remained on this post till 22 May 1990. On 12 July 1990, Chautala took oath as Chief Minister for the second time, when the then Chief Minister Banarsi Das Gupta was removed from the post within two months. However, Chautala too had to resign from the post after just five days. Chautala assumed the post of CM for the third time on 22 April 1991. But after just two weeks, the Central Government imposed President’s rule in the state.