Four Yogasana which make your body will active even in old age .


These four yogasanas daily, the body will remain active even in old age

Four Yogasana which make your body will active even in old age . The most common symptom of aging is wrinkles on the face, which start giving a different kind of tension. To hide this, makeup, expensive parlor treatments seem to be the easiest solution, but a lot of money has to be spent on them. So if you also want to remain young in old age, and also want a healthy and natural glow on the face, then you do not have to do much, just include yoga in your daily routine.

With increasing age, our body starts weakening. The body starts becoming inactive as its flexibility ends. In such a situation, there are many ways to keep oneself healthy and flexible, including regular exercise, good and healthy diet, but the most effective is yoga. With regular yoga, the body of people above 50 years of age will become active. and also you should try these 4 Korean Teas Make Your Immunity Strong .


Four Yogasana active your body

  1. Uttanasana
  2. Malasana
  3. Parsvottanasana
  4. Adhomukha Svanasana

To do this asana, first stand straight. Then take both the hands upwards while taking a long breath and then while exhaling, take the hands down towards the ground. While doing this, try to touch the thumbs of your feet. Then come back to normal state.

Malasana ;
To do this asana, first sit in the position of defecation. Now make a namaskar posture and put the elbows of both the hands on the knees. While staying in this posture, slowly inhale and exhale. After staying in this position for some time, stand up comfortably. This asana should be done every day after waking up in the morning for at least ten minutes.


This asana helps in strengthening the waist, palms and the lower part of the body. To do this asana, stand straight and inhale while jumping slightly. During this, keep one leg at a distance of three to four feet. Keeping both hands on the hips, move the right leg forward. Then raise both hands up and place the hands on the ground while inhaling. Touch your forehead with the knee of the right leg. After staying in this position for some time, stand straight again and do this asana with the other leg.

Adhomukha Svanasana
To do this yogasana, first take the palms starting from the knees till below the shoulders and place the knees below the hips. After this, lift your hips up and straighten your knees. Now you have to make an inverted V shape, for this you have to join your legs. Then try to touch the heels to the floor. After staying for a few seconds, repeat it again.


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