Health benifits of sweet potato , eat everyday to know its multi power .


superfood sweet potato ,what is its benifits

Health benifits of sweet potato , eat everyday to know its multi power . Imagine a food that can multitask for you, it can help you lose weight, boost your immunity and also fight cancer cells. Sounds like a superfood right? Among the delicious and nutritious vegetables, there is one that is eaten by people in the form of many recipes such as boiled, roasted, fried, etc.

We’re talking about nature’s candy, the humble sweet potato; an unsung superfood. Sweet potato, an orange root vegetable that is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, offers amazing health benefits with a delicious taste. This sweet potato is special for many reasons.


which is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, is very beneficial for health. So, what is the contribution of kandamul in the development of the body, what benefits are obtained by eating this vegetable? Let’s find out.

Health benifits of sweet potato

Table 1
nutrients sweet potato regular potato
calories 86 77
water 77% 80%
protein 1.6gm 2.1gm
fat 0.1gm 0.09gm
carbohydrates 20.1gm 17.5gm
fiber 3gm 2.1gm
sugar 4.2gm 0.8gm

sweet potato are rich in fiber, which keeps the digestive system healthy. Fiber also helps prevent constipation. sweet potato are a storehouse of vitamin A. This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, which is very beneficial for eyesight. It helps prevent cataracts and other eye problems. The antioxidants in sweet potato protect the body from free radicals and strengthen the immune system. It also helps fight colds, coughs and other infections. sweet potato are also high in potassium, which helps control blood pressure. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

10 Reasons Why Sweet Potato is a Superfood


1.Good for Gut Health
2.Stabilises Blood Sugar
3.Reduces Inflammation
4.Good for Vision
5.Boosts Immunity
6.Improves Brain Function
7.Helps in Weight Loss
8.Keeps Your Heart Healthy
9.Good for Skin and Hair
10.Nutritious Food for Pregnancy

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