Petrol and diesel prices reduced, know what is the price in Bhubaneswar today


Petrol and diesel prices reduced

Petrol and diesel prices reduced, know what is the price in Bhubaneswar today . Like every day, new oil prices have been announced today. New prices of petrol and diesel have been announced across the country. Fuel prices in India are fixed according to the international price of crude oil. While oil prices have remained stable in some parts of the country, there has been a change in oil prices in some other places. New prices have also been announced in petrol prices in Bhubaneswar. Today, petrol prices in Bhubaneswar are 100.11 paise while diesel prices are 92.69 paise per liter. Even in major cities of the country, petrol and diesel prices have remained unchanged.

In Delhi, petrol is priced at Rs 94.77 per litre and diesel at Rs 87.67. In Mumbai, petrol is priced at Rs 103.50 per litre while diesel is priced at Rs 90.03 per litre. Similarly, in Kolkata, petrol is priced at Rs 105.01 while diesel is priced at Rs 91.82. In Chennai, petrol is priced at Rs 100.80 while diesel is priced at Rs 92.39.


How to know what the prices are in your city:

You can also know the petrol and diesel prices through SMS. According to the Indian Oil website, you have to write your city code and send it to 9224992249. The code is different for each city. Which you will get from the ICO website. Petrol and diesel prices change every day at 6 am. After adding excise duty, dealer commission and other things to the price of petrol and diesel, its price almost doubles. Petrol and diesel prices change daily depending on the price of crude oil in the international market along with the foreign price.


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