Under the Pradhan Mantri Uchhatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM Usha) scheme to improve infrastructure in the higher education sector, Kerala has been allocated Rs 405 crore as a grant. Three universities in the state will receive Rs 100 crore each. Higher Education Minister R. Bindu announced at a press conference in Thrissur that more money has been secured this time than last year.
Under the Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities category, Kerala, Calicut and Kannur Universities will be given Rs 100 crore each. Under the grant for strengthening universities category, M.G. University will get Rs 20 crore. 11 colleges will get grant for strengthening colleges.
The grant is Rs 5 crore each. Wayanad, Palakkad and Thrissur districts will also get Rs 10 crore each to strengthen gender equality. 60 percent of the total amount is shared by the central government and 40 percent by the state government .