The Hyderabad Evening Theatre riot case has sparked a controversy. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy’s big statement in the Telangana Assembly came to the fore. He said – there was no permission for Pushpa star Allu Arjun’s road show there. Revanth said, “There was a request at the Chikkadapally police station to make security arrangements for the cast and crew of the film during the release of Pushpa 2 in the evening theater. However, the police refused to grant permission as it was a crowded place.” The police had explained that crowd control was not possible as there was only one entry and exit. While this application was made on the 2nd, the police had rejected it in writing on the 3rd. Despite this, the next day Allu Arjun came to watch the film and did a road show on RTC X Road from the car roof. To control the crowd, the ACP asked Allu Arjun to leave the place immediately. But he refused and said that he would leave after watching the film.
By then, two people had fallen down outside. Later, the DCP intervened and warned that if he did not leave the place, he would be arrested. Even when he returned, he came out from the car roof again and did a road show, Revanth said in the assembly.
On the other hand, Allu Arjun called a press conference on Saturday evening He said, what happened at the evening theater on the 4th is an unfortunate incident. It is a complete accident. False allegations are being made against me. I am not blaming any department or leader, but my character is being attacked, said Allu.