Stones were thrown at actor Allu Arjun’s house. Yesterday, a JAC student movement active at Osmania University organised a demonstration in front of Allu’s apartment in Hyderabad’s Jubilee Hills, throwing tomatoes and eggs. They protested in front of the property before entering and vandalising it. In this occasion, the police also apprehended a number of demonstrators.
On December 22, 2024, a group identifying as members of the Osmania University Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC) vandalized the Hyderabad residence of Telugu actor Allu Arjun. The protesters damaged property, including flower pots, and threw tomatoes at the house, demanding justice for a 35-year-old woman who died in a stampede during the December 4 premiere of Arjun’s film “Pushpa 2: The Rule” at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Meanwhile, the protesters have demanded that the government should give Rs 1 crore as compensation to the family of the deceased woman and provide all possible assistance to the family.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Revant Reddy has taken the matter seriously and ordered an investigation. In a post on Twitter, the Chief Minister said, “I condemn the protest in front of the actor’s house. I order the state DGP and police to take strict action in this incident. No negligence will be tolerated in this incident. Please be careful to prevent police personnel who are not involved in this incident from investigating.”