One of the famous Bollywood actress Ileana D’Cruz . Recently, the most updated media buzz was about having her second child after a social media post on New Year’s Day. In a video posted she reminisces of all the moments that happened through 2024 and welcomes the year 2025.It is created in a matter of seconds and covers the events that happened in 2024 for each month.
As October draws closer, Ileana is seen in this video gleefully displaying a pregnancy test kit to the camera. She stated, “Love, peace, kindness,” in the video upload.Hoping for more happiness and peace in 2025.”
Ileana did not make any public declaration of her second pregnancy, but fans believe that she is pregnant with another child for her boyfriend Michael Dolan. Upon seeing her post, one fan commented, “Are you pregnant again?” Another wrote, “Wait. October… Congratulations again!!!”