One such incident took place at the Arulmigu Kandasamy Temple in Thirupur near Chennai. According to reports, a devotee named Dinesh from Binayagpuram had come to visit the temple with his family and after the puja, he reached the hundi to donate money. However, while taking out the money from his shirt pocket, the iPhone suddenly fell into the hundi. Since the hundi was kept at a high place, Dinesh could not take out the iPhone.
Dinesh informed the temple authorities about this. However, the temple authorities said that the hundi is the property of the deity. Whatever is in it cannot be returned. He approached temple officials but was told that once an offering is placed in the hundi, it becomes a “property” of the deity.
According to tradition, the hundi is opened once in two months. Disappointed with this, Dinesh went to the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments and complained. He also requested to be informed when the hundi will be opened.
However, yesterday, the temple authorities opened the hundi and Dinesh went to get his phone. But he was asked to take only the SIM card and download important data from the phone. Dinesh refused and asked to return the mobile. However, the temple executive officer said that anything thrown in the hundi is considered to belong to the temple and the deity.