Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn , how it support cancer therapy ?

what is sea buckthorn , how it helps for human body

Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn , how it support cancer therapy ? Sea buckthron is call also seaberry and in hindi we called it brahmaphal . this fruit sea buckthorn also called chharma in himachal pradesh and ames in utterakhand .

sea buckthorn is a shrub that grows in the himalayan .it is a high altitude plant that can withstand cold weather . it is knowna for its medicinal properties and is used to treat ailments such as diabetes and blood pressure . The fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn are rich in vitamins A,C,E and K as well as carotenoids , polyphenols and sterols .

Health benefits –
sea buckthron has anti –inflammatory and antioxidant properties along with a variety of nutrients shown to have human health benefits. Most of the benefits you receive from sea buckthorn come from using the fruit and its oil.

The health benefits of sea buckthorn are varied, and it has been shown to-

  1. Increase Cardiovascular Health
  2. Support Cancer Therapy
  3. Improve Skin Health
  4. Disease Prevention

Sea buckthorn is rich in flavonoids and omega-3, 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids, which have a strong effect on your cardiovascular system. Palmitoleic acid is an omega-7 fatty acid rarely found in plant food sources, but sea buckthorn oil is one of the only plant-based sources of this unsaturated fatty acid.

Palmitoleic acid, along with other fatty acids, can help to lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and improve overall cardiac function.

Clinical studies have shown some support for using sea buckthorn oils and juices in cancer therapy. Several flavonoids in sea buckthorn, especially quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin, create cytotoxic responses with cancer cells and help to stop them from multiplying.

Sea buckthorn is widely used in skin and hair products due to the rich array of vitamins and fatty acids it contains. Apart from vitamins C, A, and E, the oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that helps blood circulation and reduces signs of aging.

Sea buckthorn oil also contains plant sterols like beta-sitosterol and campesterol that add hydration, smooth skin texture, and boost skin elasticity.

Sea buckthorn contains antioxidants which help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. This damage can lead to serious diseases such as cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases. Eating antioxidants can help reduce your risk of potentially life threatening diseases.

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