Makhana Health benifits , BP patients stay away from medicines .

makhana benifits for our health , why we eat makhana daily ?

Makhana Health benifits , BP patients stay away from medicines . makhana is a flowering plant classified in the the water lily family . it is the most popular name in India for Euryale ferox . It is extensively grown in marshy wetlands, tanks, ponds and lakes, and harvested for its seed. Other common names include prickly water lily seeds, popped lotus seeds, foxnut or gorgon nut.

Highly nutritious, it is a fully organic non-cereal food found principally in India (Bihar state alone accounts for 90% of world production) but also in Korea, Japan, as well as parts of eastern Russia.

The amount of nutrients found in makhana is very high. Carbohydrates and many types of micro nutrients are found in it. Calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus are also found in it.
Makhana is considered very beneficial for health. Eating it provides many health benefits. Many people also eat makhana as a snack. Eating it reduces blood sugar level, helps in reducing weight. Along with this, anti-aging properties are also found in it and it is considered beneficial for heart health. Let us know in detail about the benefits of eating makhana .

Reduces blood pressure – Eating makhana is also very beneficial for people who have high blood pressure because makhana contains very little sodium and more magnesium.

Reduces blood sugar level – Makhana is also considered very beneficial for diabetes patients because its glycemic index is very low.

For skin- Eating makhana improves your skin health because makhanas contain many amino acids and proteins that help in developing the skin, improving the texture of the skin, making the skin smooth, removing blemishes and wrinkles.

Beneficial for men– Eating makhana increases the level of testosterone in men. It also builds muscles and eating it post workout is very beneficial.

Calms the mind– Drinking makhana mixed in milk before sleeping at night reduces stress and fatigue and helps in calming your mind.

Lose weight- Makhana is high in fiber and low in calories, which makes it very beneficial for weight loss. It reduces appetite and reduces the absorption of fat in the stomach.


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