Marriage is fixed by the sweetness of tea , know where

Marriage is fixed by the sweetness of tea , know where

Marriage is fixed by the sweetness of tea and approval is made from sugar.

Marriage is fixed by the sweetness of tea ,An Indian’s day usually starts with a cup of tea. Not only that, if a day is not available, then that day seems incomplete. But today we will tell you about a country where marriages are decided based on the sweetness of tea. Yes, after deciding how much tea sweetness, the marriage of a boy and a girl is decided.

In India, tea is an integral part of most people’s daily lives. A day without it is considered incomplete. In India, if you visit a family, everyone usually shares tea as a treat. But did you know that, like India, another country also has a different kind of craze for tea? Not only this, there is a country where marriages are decided by seeing the sweetness of the tea. Find out in which country this tradition exists. India is not only one of the leading countries in the world in tea drinking but also in its production. Assam, Nilgiri, and Darjeeling teas from India are famous all over the world. Apart from India, Kenya is also among the top tea-producing countries in the world.

It is said that in Azerbaijan, marriages are decided over the sweetness of tea. In fact, in Azerbaijan, the taste of tea determines whether a man will marry the woman of his choice or not. When a man’s parents come to his house to ask for the hand of a girl, the girl’s parents bless him with sweet tea called ‘Shirin Cha.’. This means that the wedding preparations will begin. If he does not do so, the marriage negotiations will not proceed.

It is believed that the discovery of tea is associated with China. The Chinese ruler Shen Nung is credited with its invention. However, it was not a deliberate discovery but an accidental one. This was about 4800 years ago, i.e., 2732 BC. It was only after this that people came to know tea as a drink.

ALSO READ : Tea and coffee protect against cancer, report

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