People In China are becoming rich after giving birth to a child .

People In China are becoming rich

People In China are becoming rich after giving birth to a child . know what is the matter .

Many countries like Japan, Russia, China, South Korea are worried about the falling birth rate and less population than required. All these countries are bringing various schemes to increase the number of children so that people are encouraged to give birth to children. The same is being done in China as well. In China, the government is giving cash worth lakhs of rupees to the people, but this is only for those people (China Birth Rate jumps) who are planning to increase their family.

Getting benefit of schemes

According to the report of South China Morning Post, the country is getting the benefit of such schemes run by the Chinese government (China Schemes for Having Child), an example of this is seen from these figures. Despite the continuous decline seen since 2016, there has been a 17 percent increase in the number of newborns in 2024. According to government data released last week, Tianmen, a city of about 1 million people in central Hubei province (Chinese city bucks birth rate), gave birth to 1,050 more newborns last year than in 2023. In such a situation, this is a matter of great happiness for China amid the aging population and falling birth rate.

Companies are also giving cash

The most interesting thing is that not only the government but many companies are also giving cash incentives for having a third child. For example, the vehicle manufacturer Xpeng is giving about 30000 Yuan i.e. up to three and a half lakh rupees to the employees. The total cash incentive on the birth of the third child can reach up to 26 lakh rupees.

Officials are calling women and asking them to have children

According to the news of South China Morning Post, not only is there a campaign of giving cash going on in China, but the government is also encouraging people to increase their families in every way (China Birth Rate). In which many officials have been asked to call women and explain family planning to them. Under which now officials are calling women and going door-to-door and asking them to have children. However, this scheme is making the common people of China feel uncomfortable. It has also been said in the report that many women are even refusing to have children.

Women say that in this era of inflation in China, raising children and bearing the expenses of their education can trouble them. Not only this, there are many factors like not getting married, risk of harm during pregnancy and childbirth, impact on career, etc. among the youth of China, due to which they do not want to expand their family.

China is now getting troubled by one child policy

In fact, from September 25, 1980, China implemented the One Child Policy across the country. Under which people were forced to give birth to only one child. When this policy was implemented in China year after year, its negative symptoms started showing. Due to this, the population of China started declining and the elderly population started increasing. After this, China removed this single child policy in 2015. Then in 2021, the Chinese government asked people to have a maximum of 3 children. Now that is why China is running schemes like subsidies, payments and populist schemes like housing subsidy to have more children.

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