ruby Gemstones profit : weare ruby Gemstones achive sucess

ruby Gemstones profit : weare ruby Gemstones achive sucess

ruby Gemstones profit,Wear this gem to gain fame and honor

ruby Gemstones profit  ,Gemstones affect a person’s personality with their magical properties. In the gemstone branch of astrology, the ruby ​​is considered the gem of the Sun. This ruby ​​has the qualities of the Sun. While ruby ​​is completely dark pink in color, other Rubys are completely dark purple in color. Rubies are a powerful gemstone. Wearing it strengthens the position of the Sun in the horoscope. This brings about positive changes in the personality of the person. Wearing rubies strengthens the willpower and self-confidence of the person. Internal positive energy and immunity also increase. This leads to social prestige, fame and respect. Wearing this gemstone increases the power of leadership. The ability to deal with all situations properly also increases. Along with getting rid of fear, rubies are very beneficial in showcasing talent. Wearing a ruby ​​also provides positive results in getting rid of eye problems such as vision problems, heart disease, hair loss, and bone problems.

However, it is not true that a ruby ​​is worn for the Sun, the auspicious planet, but a ruby ​​is a positive gemstone. It is necessary to consult an astrologer before wearing it. Generally, wearing this ruby ​​is very auspicious for Aries, Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. It gives moderate results for people with cancer ascendant. Similarly, wearing ruby ​​is harmful for people with cancer and Virgo ascendant.

You can make a ring out of copper or gold. It should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Apart from this, you can also wear a medallion of it if you wish. Before wearing the ruby , first anoint it with milk or Ganga water and chant the Surya Mantra while lighting incense and a lamp. You should wear this ruby facing east. To wear the ruby, chant the mantra Suryaya Namaha three times to get special benefits.

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