TTI does not check tickets on trains at this time. know this special
TTI does not check tickets on trains at this time ,While travelling by train, many times we face a situation where we get tickets. And at this time there is a long queue at the ticket counter, and we are not able to buy the ticket. Then, after boarding the train without a ticket, you have to face many problems, so now there is no need to panic. Know some special rules of Indian Railways, due to which you will not have to face any problems during train travel.
If you are traveling by train, then this information is very important for you. Now if you are traveling by train without a ticket, then there is no problem. According to the new rules, Indian Railways is giving concessions in reservation to many people. Apart from this, Indian Railways is also giving people the opportunity to travel by train for free. Let us tell you on which tickets you can get concessions. Do you know that the Railways has made necessary rules for passengers and railway employees traveling at night?
The TTE and the catering staff of the train have also been asked to maintain silence in the train after 10 pm. You will not get food or drinks in the pantry car of the train after 10 pm. There is also a rule regarding berths in the train. You can book a middle berth in the train only after 10 pm, and it can be used only till 6 am. In AC coaches, the middle berth can be used only after 9 pm.
Till now you must have heard that only the elderly and the disabled get concessions for travelling by train, but now unemployed youths have also been included in this category. Yes, Indian Railways also provides cheap travel to these people. There is a fifty to one hundred percent discount on tickets for unemployed youths.
Let us tell you which class of tickets these people get to travel on Indian Railways. This is the list of people who get concessions on railway travel. Unemployed youths who are going to interview for jobs in statutory bodies, municipal corporations, public sector undertakings, universities, or public sector organizations are given a fifty percent discount on railway tickets. This discount is for travelling in second class and sleeper class. Unemployed youths who are going to interview for central or state government jobs get a fifty percent discount on sleeper class tickets and a 100 percent discount on second class tickets.
If a passenger’s waiting seat is not available, he can go to the TTI and show his ticket, get information about the available seats, and confirm it.
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