Deficiency Of Vitamin C

Signs Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C Deficiency And Symptoms: Minerals and vitamins are required by the body. Many people say vitamins are essential, but not mineral. Vitamins have co-factors. They function in the body along with 15 different enzymes. Vitamin C contributes significantly to curing and repairing the body. It can be a cause for numerous health ailments. Most of us are ignorant about all these and their signs.

Health disorders:

Tooth bleeding: Tooth bleeding is a definite sign that you may be lacking in vitamin C. Munching on foods rich in vitamin C should begin at the start or if you experience any of these symptoms prior to them becoming a serious problem.

Skin and Hair Problems:

There are many other reasons for skin and hair issues in individuals, but vitamin C deficiency is one of the most common. Red marks on the skin and uncontrollable hair loss are some other prominent reasons, attributed to vitamin C deficiency in the body. Iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 should be supplemented in your diet in order to promote healthy skin and hair.

Weak Immunity:

This food must be taken because it should be the reason for impaired immunity.


Without sufficient vitamin C, the body may cause anemia assists the body in fighting against a lack of iron.

Cuts or wounds which are not quickly healed

It can be the reason behind an unhealed cut or wound because it favors the production of collagen and wound healing, to name a few.

Enhanced Susceptibility to Seasonal Disease:

Seasonal diseases take place owing to impaired immunity due to the deficiency of vitamin C. The onset of cough and other similar infections occurs very early in individuals suffering .

How to balance:

Vegetarians would particularly have to pay special attention to foods rich in vitamin C like oranges, citrus fruits, strawberries, capsicums, and leafy vegetables.

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