Former Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli After retiring from cricket, he will stay in London with his family. Virat Kohli will be permanently shifting to London with his wife Anushka and two children. After much speculation, his children’s coach Rajkumar Sharma has now given his nod to the move. Before the birth of their second child, Akaya , Virat spent most of his time in London with his wife and daughter. He reportedly has a house there.
Virat is currently spending quality time with his family. It is reported that Virat and Anushka have decided to shift to London for the sake of their child’s future. Virat has been spending a lot of time in London with his family for the past few months. And this time, he will say goodbye to India and move to London permanently, said his son’s coach. This incident has shocked Virat’s fans. Virat Kohli is currently on a tour of Australia with the Indian team. He has already announced his retirement from T20Is. Now there is a lot of talk about his poor form in Tests. After announcing his retirement from Tests, it is being said that he will leave India and flee to London forever.